Beauty With Glee
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5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Mood

how to boost our moods on our own when we are feeling down

Over the past year, many of us have struggled with anxiety and stress. We have learned that the world is uncertain, and everything can change instantly. This type of instability can lead to feeling overwhelmed, so it’s time to learn how to boost our moods on our own when we are feeling down.

The mood is mostly about attitude. Choosing to look at the world through a positive filter takes practice, but it works to improve your mood and overall well-being. You can do many things to give yourself a boost and get on with enjoying the rest of your day.

From turning up some energetic music to telling yourself, “I need a visit to my favorite hair salon in Houston,” there are tons of ways to improve your attitude and overcome the blues. Let’s take a look at a few ways that you can naturally boost your mood.

1. Upbeat Music

Music has a healing power that has helped people get out of their funk for centuries. Studies show that listening to music can improve your mood, reduce your blood pressure, and increase your serotonin levels. There’s no harm in getting out on the floor and shaking your booty to your favorite dance tunes. The extra movement will promote endorphin production in your body and help to elevate your mood.

2. Visit the Salon

Getting a little pampered is a great way to put you in a great mood. There is nothing more comforting than knowing that a new hairdo or color will make you feel like a new person. Visiting your favorite salon for a quick cut, a blowout, or a manicure can help to bring you into a more positive frame of mind and help you look your best. When we look good, we feel more confident and peaceful.

5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Mood

3. Deep Breathing

When things feel overwhelming, sometimes the best medicine is to take a few deep breaths. The power of mindful breathing can help bring down your heart rate, help you get recentered at the moment, and ground you in your reality.

If you struggle with anxiety and stress, deep breathing can be a helpful exercise. Sit calmly on the floor or in a comfortable chair and breathe in for the count of four, hold for four, exhale for eight and repeat until you feel calmer.

4. Take a Walk

Moderate exercise is a great way to help you boost your mood. Just a short 20-minute walk around the neighborhood can bring up your endorphin levels and help you relax. Stop and talk to a neighbor, pet the dog next door, or marvel in the beauty of nature to help you see things in a more positive light.

4. Call a Friend

Sometimes, all we need to boost our mood is to hear a friendly voice. If you feel lonely or overwhelmed, pick up the phone and talk to one of your dear friends or family members for a few minutes. You don’t necessarily have to share your concerns, but a few minutes of laughter and small talk can do the trick.

We all struggle with low moods every once in a while. If you are feeling stressed, try some of these tips to help you boost your mood.

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