Beauty With Glee
Diet Health Care Nutrition

The Best Diet To Lose Weight After Summer According To My Body Type?

Lose Weight

Best Diet: With September just around the corner, it’s time to set a goal and meet it. We make a compilation of the best diets, and we tell you which one best suits you.

The summer comes to an end and returns to routine and office not only makes us complicated for obvious reasons, but it may also happen that these months you’ve spent with dinners at trendy restaurants, impromptu picnics with friends, naps, and ice creams.

We understand you: returning from vacation with a few extra kilos is the most normal thing and in many cases, you can get back into your favorite jeans by having something light for a few weeks ( like this salad that Ariadne Artiles advised us recently ) or substituting one of the main meals of the day for one of these light and nutritious soups.

But if you think you need to lose more weight, regain good habits, or have returned from vacation ready for a radical change, you will need a specific nutritional plan to help you achieve it.

The first thing you should do to start a change in your life’s nutritional habits is to arm yourself with patience, the path of success is not an upward curve but rather more like a mountain with peaks and valleys, so you must be demanding with yourself but without obsessing.

Nutrition Expert

Another thing that you should not miss is consulting with a nutrition expert who assesses your state of health and can advise you on which diet best suits you, in addition to accompanying you on your way to a healthier life.

But if you want to take a quick look at all the possible diets to lose those extra kilos or you need a guide to decide on one of them, here you can find all the diets with which you can lose the extra kilos after the summer.

We tell you what they consist of, their pros and cons, and for whom it is indicated so that you can choose the one that best suits you and your needs. Ready to start September with the best version of yourself?

1. Keto or Ketogenic Diet

What does it consist of? The ketogenic diet aims to use fat as an energy source instead of carbohydrates. Therefore, to carry it out, it is necessary to reduce carbohydrates, prioritizing fat consumption above all else, and moderate protein consumption.

Expressing this concept in macronutrients, the percentages would always remain approximately in this way: 70-80% fats, 20-25% proteins, and 5-10% carbohydrates.

migraines diseases

Who is it recommended for? It can be very beneficial for people with some diseases such as people suffering from morbid obesity, type 2 diabetes, migraines, polycystic ovary syndrome, and even some cases of cancer could also be a suitable nutritional strategy.

It can also have benefits in athletes and people without pathologies.

Advantages and disadvantages: You can lose weight while eating fat, which for many people, can be a temptation, but following it without medical supervision is not recommended as it can be dangerous for your health.

2. The Detox Diet

What it consists of: It is considered as a break in your life where you can give your body rest, specifically a week.

Throughout these seven days, you will eliminate toxic substances that detract from your vitality. Still, you will also learn to feel better about your body and reconnect with yourself.

You will see that starting to cleanse your body is easier than you imagined, and the proof is that you will immediately notice the benefits. Here you can know all the details of the Detox diet.

Who is recommended for: Do you lack energy, or can you feel discouraged? Do you notice your swollen body and do not fasten any pants from your fall wardrobe?

Maybe your body is already accusing the overload of summer, caps, ice cream, and excesses and is crying out to regain balance.

To carry out this diet, you must have a week where you can take time for yourself and do not have many worries. Those who want to regain balance and give the body a rest while eliminating toxins, but it is not a slimming diet.

The Detox Diet

Advantages and disadvantages: You will be able to format your body in a short time, which can be a boost of energy, but not all people can bear it:

To start the detox diet, you must be in the quiet moment of your life, without commitments, insight, or passing the time of tremendous work stress since, in these situations, the result could be the opposite of what was expected.

3. To Lose 5 Kilos in a Month

What does it consist of? It is a diet with a weekly menu prepared by a nutritionist with which you can lose weight up to 5 kilos in a month.

Who is it recommended for? Those who want to lose up to 5 kilos of weight in a month need a nutritional guideline.

Advantages and disadvantages: It is instrumental in following it to the letter, but if as soon as you finish it, you eat as before, it may have a rebound effect.

4. Protein Diet

What does it consist of? In increasing the consumption of proteins (meat, fish, cheeses) and reducing carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, fruits ).

This forces the body to burn the fat it stores quickly. Here you can learn more about the protein diet.

Who is it recommended for? For those who want to lose weight quickly and do not support a calorie restriction diet.

Protein Diet

Advantages and disadvantages: You lose a lot of fluid and weight in the first weeks and lose sizes quickly. But it isn’t easy to maintain over time because it significantly restricts the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and other essential nutrients for your body.

5. Intermittent Fasting Diet

What does it consist of? The intermittent fasting diet consists of spending 12 to 16 hours without eating any food. This food restriction (always adapted and directed by a medical professional) has many benefits

beyond weight loss: it helps regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels and decrease inflammation and glycemic control markers.

Who is it recommended for? The perfect practical protocol for practicing the intermittent fasting diet is still unknown.

Therefore, the most advisable thing would be to always consult with a medical professional before deciding to take the step so that he can adapt the diet to our lifestyle and our needs.

Advantages and disadvantages: It helps to regulate the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and the decrease of inflammation markers and glycemic control. But if you limit your food intake too much, there may be some nutritional deficiency.

6. The Nutritionist

What does it consist of? In following a nutritional plan prescribed by an expert. It consists of a balanced weekly menu with which to lose weight and establish healthy eating routines.

Who is it recommended for? Those who want to make sure they lose weight in a healthy, balanced, and unhurried way.

Advantages and disadvantages: It is a traditional and straightforward way to lose weight, but if you do not learn to eat well once you stop the diet, you will gain weight again.

It can also make you bored by having to stick to the same menu every week.

Lose Weight

7. To Lose 10 Kilos in 3 Months

What does it consist of? On a 1200 calorie menu rich in thermogenic foods and full of fiber. The idea is to speed up the metabolism while burning a lot of fat with 5 menu options to vary throughout the diet’s 3 months. You can see the menus here.

Who is it recommended for? For those who want to change their habits and are willing to commit to following a nutritional guideline for 3 months.

Advantages and disadvantages: If you follow it to the letter and do some sport, you will lose about 10 kilos in weight. But you may get bored of following the same nutritional plan for three months in a row.

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